Please see attached category quota and T23/Leg 2 quota workbooks including the Baptist warehouse adjustments...
We are asking every AM, TM, and PM to really dig into what we need to be doing to get these numbers at the territory, area, and district levels more in line with our yearly standards at SEO. The bottom line is every team has significant work ahead of us in category, T23, and Leg 2 products. PMs PLEASE continue to be proactive in finding ways to help the teams, especially in TNRP and Leg 2 products.
As Noah says, great teams transcend past accomplishments so let's all please have that mindset. We are an agency that doesn't dwell on excuses, we find solutions...the business is out there, let's get creative and find ways to capture it! We all need to please dig in a bit deeper as we have significant holes to climb out of across the board.
Please take a very hard look at these numbers at the territory and district levels. Stay positive and stay day at a time let's all impact growth in every way possible. Less talk, more activity with an urgency to move the needle one day at a time...just win today!
I will be following up with teams later this week to follow up on where you are and where we are going...thanks everyone, let's have a great November!