As the holiday season approaches, we’d like to remind you about some important rules to keep in mind regarding gifts and social event invitations as they relate to HCPs.
The AdvaMed Code and Arthrex policies prohibit Arthrex and its employees or agents from giving gifts—of any value—to HCPs or their staff. Items such as bottles of wine, cookies, gift baskets, flowers, cash or cash equivalents (e.g., gift cards) would be considered gifts and may not be given to HCPs. In lieu of gifts, please consider written holiday greetings when extending seasonal wishes to HCPs.
In addition to gifts, it is equally important to remember that HCPs may not be invited to company-organized events that include social, sporting, leisure activities or other forms of entertainment. This includes office holiday parties where alcohol or dinner is provided—even if the total value is below existing spending thresholds, as these limits are only relevant when there is a legitimate business purpose. Likewise, social and entertainment events such as office holiday parties or Christmas dinners organized by HCPs or HCOs may not be funded or supported by Arthrex or its agencies.
If you have questions on any of these topics, please reach out to
Reminder: Extending Gifts or Social Event Invitations to HCPs
Written on 11/11/2024
Michaela Williams