Written on 12/04/2024
Scott McMillin

Please review the attached:
Simply put, December needs to be big...really big. November was our lightest TLV sales month for SEO in over a year, so revenue in all categories from all territories is paramount this month and throughout the rest of the fiscal year. 
Both districts have 3 separate additional incentives with 120% TLV, Bone Repair, and Shoulder Instrument promotions throughout the month so please take advantage of those. Keep in mind the last full week of this month has the Christmas holiday right in the middle of it, so we need to treat December like a 3 week month. Let's please do a better job of getting bill onlys processed quicker as well...waiting until the very end of the month isn't acceptable. The first week of every month cleaning out old bills must be a priority please!
Time to bear down now and turn the year around...every team must do their job and play their part. We can still win in FY25, so let's find some positive momentum this month. Thanks everyone...let's get to it!