**Compliance** Transfer of Value - Spend Entry reporting

Written on 02/03/2025
Michaela Williams


This is a reminder that if you have any reportable spends for lunch-n-learns, dinners, etc. You must turn in the required documentation for last month to Angel and Verónica no later than the 10th of this month.

Email required items to: compliance@southernedgeortho.com


1. Expense report in excel format and filled out in its entirety (if you wish to be reimbursed)

2. Completed sign in sheet w/ brief description of event and discussion topic. ALL MD's, DPM's, PA's, RN's must have NPI and or license number listed. ALL NAMES MUST BE LEGIBLE 

3. Itemized receipts (For hotel stays submit Hotel Folio)

If any of these items is missing, you will not be reimbursed until all items are submitted.

Remember, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Verónica.

Expense Report

SEO Sign In Sheet Fillable (3) SEO Sign In Sheet Fillable (3)